Based on Julian Opie's style, I tried to create my own piece and learn from him. He mainly specialized on simplifying his figures so I used a pen tool in Adobe Illustrator on my own photo to create a Julian Opie-styled piece.
In this project, I created my own version of Julian Opie's work. His style minimises the details and uses basic colors so I choose basic but still bright colors which are suitable for my photo.
In this task, I mainly used pen tool with the movement of hold, click, pull acording to create curvy lines. I also used shape tool to create the eyes.
After inserting my photo, I created a new layer on it and used the pen tool to cerate general shapes of my face, another layer and my hair and did the same thing with my clothes too. I chosed a vibrant red color for the background which I think its pretty suitable with the whole photo.