Phil Fish...
French Canadian indie game developer, best known for his game Fez in 2012.
His experience with Nintendo and game consoles in early age at Quebec affected his game developing carrier.
Fez is a platform game with unique features.
Our 2D character on a 3D platform with ability to show us different
parts of the platform and figure out the way of 3D maze we are into.
while developing the game, he faced problems with his partner in the game and they seperated their ways. Unfortunately he neded to make the game by himself wich lead him to work on it more than he was planning to.
The crowd was waiting for the game and he was getting really stressed about this. Since his style was developing through the game, he needed to remake the game for nearly 3 times to change the style again and again.
Super Meat Boy
In their story, we can see the emotianal and social problemetic sides of the game development. Two friends, Edmund McMillen and Tommy Reffenes developes the game "Super Meat Boy". The design comes from their past wich makes this project even more personal for them.
Body full of meat, Huge bosses and fun parkours, all of these things were the first key words and ideas for the game.
Economic problems aside, bigest problem for the developers was the time that the game took. In the movie, the people in their life was helping them patiently.
Besides that, they were not even sure If the game was gonna work and people will like it or not...
Movie shows the inside and reality of idie game development sector with its all realities.
Braid: With its original time controlling mechanics it provides an great and unlike other experience to the player.
It made by Jonathan Blow. In his story, it shows how hard it is to look at the visual side and the code side of the game as a indie game developer.
At one point, we see that he is having a har time to keep his motivattion up but also having economical problems since it is a job tht you will gain money after the finisihed product.
Luckily, his game gets liked by the player, it shows the importance of the signature mechanics of the games.