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Group Work Diary


Güncelleme tarihi: 5 Haz 2024

In the group work, Me and Iryce mainly got the visual part and Adam and Faraz got the logic part of the game. We tried to divide the work by the speciality of the individuals.

Since we used the ideas of Faraz like his first main character for his game was a tree guy. We too that tree guy developed the idea of seed and giant tree monster by having a group meeting.

He also helped with the blueprints of the game map levels and also helped with the key idea.

He also helped me with the tiles at the city level.

Iryice especially helped with the visual part and we took his first game idea which was about an elf going through a city and growing grass and waking the nature. We changed this idea into Poko's different versions. He also designed the bad guys for the game. He also did the tiles for the oil level and the background of it.

For me, I write the script generally and after that, we look at it as a team and change the parts we need to change. I also did the tiles for the general game and concept and designed the tutorial background and first-level backgrounds. I also did the two different versions of Poko animations.

I did the good character designs which are suitable for the game.

As a group, we tried these things mainly on a board game task and made Pokos first figure in a game in that task.

Besides these general works, we faced problems like non-cooperative team members.

Unfortunately because of the uncooperative behaviours of one team member, we had a problem with the unreal and coding part. We realized that the game was not gonna be done in time If we left it like that so we decided to arrange the work again.

According to be in time, Iryce started to work and learn about the unreal while I took nearly all the visual work like environment designs and tiles and assets, even needed to do an animation for one of his characters. In this hard time, we used Discord to talk while working so we could help each other and know how the process going.

At the times at school when I was not able to finish the tiles for the city level, I asked Faraz to make metal kinds of tiles and he helped too.

As a team, we also used chat over teams and I think we communicated really well about solving problems, developing ideas and being cooperative.

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Board Game


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