With the different matterials like ink, charcoal and tape, I tried to create different marks and textures for using them later on a figure.
For the bold mark at the top right, I used ink and tape according to create that cmplex tangled lines. After taking the tape off, that complex lines combind with that sharp and clean edged tape marks.
For the seconf one, I sticked tpe on to each other and used willow charcoal for a better smudged yet clean marks. In the end, It looked like a industrial mark.
At the last one, I used acrylic and tape according to create that fish bone kinda mark. Using a hard edged brush with dabbing moves created that spary painted look.
With the help of this excersise I tried to create a new concept that I can use them in.
The ink mark looked like a black and white fur to me with the complex shapes on it so I combined it with the black paper I folded according to give a flared look.